Accept Online payments

How to start if you want to accept Online payments on your Site within few simple steps?

Below are some steps to follow :

  • - Create your PaymentsFor account
  • - Login now and go to
  • - Api & Integrations
  • - Add your Site and
  • - You will get an API Key (with Pending status , later on we will check and approve / decline your API key)

PaymentsFor IT team has made the integration process very easy and secure by introducing smart coding for each step. This coding is a combination of different languages like HTML, PHP and JavaScript.

For Recieving payments on your website , you have to create payment page on your webpage. When a user will click on Pay Now button or something like this , then you will redirct user to the url given below :{amount}/{currency}/{api_key}

In above URL you can see 3 variables amount , currency and api_key , you will have to pass values to these variables.
The values of variables should be in following format :

  • amount : In this variable we have to pass amount , that user will pay after redirecting to the payment page

  • currency : In this variable we have to pass currency , this time we have 5 currencies (USD,GBP,EUR,AUD,CAD) , you can't pass any other currency.

  • api_key : In this variable we will pass api key that you have already generated from website

Let's take an example :

Imagine we have to make 500 USD payment from our website (
and we have already generated api key from website , the api key is : apikey1234
so the payment url will be as follows :

Note : API Key Status Should always be 'Approved' Before making payment

When are user will pay payment using your API Keys you will get payment into PaymentsFor account , that you can withdraw later using Payouts option.